How it works


Upload unstructured data

Supports all common formats (CSVs, Excel, PDFs, and more) & data stored with color-coding, borders, and anything else you can imagine.


Describe your target database

Simple interface to describe the dataset you want in plain English. Our AI will use this to understand what to extract from the dataset, and how to format it.


Tabla generates your dataset

Our AI agent will interpret your data and generate your target structured dataset (.csv, .xls, SQL, NoSQL, and more). Saving you hours or even days of time per dataset.

Not just another data converter

Our AI agent isn't restricted to certain types of data or only common issues. Unlike other tools, it intelligently identifies and resolves problems with your data, and generates an audit trail so you can be sure of your results.

Dates in different formats

Handles dates in various formats within or between data files.

Plain text notes

Accurately interprets plain text notes containing important information.

Inconsistent numeric formats

Resolves issues with numeric formats, such as commas vs periods.

Combining categories

Combines categories with different labels (e.g., USA vs United States).


Nobody enjoys transforming data from messy files to databases ready for analysis. We built Tabla to solve this. Tabla is a simple interface powered by AI to build analysis-ready datasets from a wide range of data types and sources with minimal effort, so you can focus on what really matters.

Eliminate manual data preparation

Do data preparation from the comfort of your browser. No installs and easy to get started, Tabla complements and accelerates your existing workflow.

Simple no-code web interface

No more copy-pasting from Excel files or manually reading cell color codes, simply define the schema and let Tabla's AI handle the rest.

Generates reproducible pipelines in Python

Alongside your database, Tabla also generates reproducible Python processing code to guarantee reliability and repeatability.

What Tabla can do


Target accuracy

Designed to be accurate and reliable, every time.



Faster than manual data preparation, code, or other tools.


Data formats

Supports over 20 different data formats and types.



Available 24/7 to process your data whenever you need it.

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